
Associa N.N. Jaeschke Helps Community Implement Drought-Resistant Landscaping

Active Adult

An active adult community for seniors over 62, this condominium community includes 132 units, a clubhouse with a recreation room for activities, a gym, and a BBQ area. Nearby to premium restaurants and parks, these Southern Californian-style homes are also just a 10-minute drive to La Jolla beaches.



A three-year-long state drought led to restrictions and spiraling costs associated with water usage. The community faced a choice of keeping their year-round greenery or saving budget on water bills by switching to drought-resistant landscaping.



Associa N. N. Jaeschke worked with the association board to pull out an old spa, some outdated irrigation equipment, and a hodgepodge of thirsty plants and replace them with rock ground cover, drought-resistant shrubs, and low-water flowering plants such as Spanish lavender and bougainvillea.


Residents are very happy with their partnership with Associa N. N. Jaeschke and praised the new drought-resistant (and budget-friendly) landscaping as “exceptional.”

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Associa N.N. Jaeschke Helps Community Implement Drought-Resistant Landscaping

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Associa N.N. Jaeschke Helps Community Implement Drought-Resistant Landscaping

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